The I-20 form (also known as the Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status-For Academic and Language Students) provides supporting information on a your visa's F status. Keeping it current is important to your legal status as a PCC student. Follow the steps below to ensure it is current:

How to Request a 新I-20

  1. 填写 新I-20 Request Form
  2. Submit completed 新I-20 Request Form and required documents to ISC counter.
  3. All paper work requests have a 10-business day turn-around time. You will receive an email when complete. Come to ISC counter to pick up new I-20 form.

Additional steps or required documents depending on purpose for requesting a new I-20

  • Replacement of I-20 - Submit the 新I-20 Request  只有
    • Lost (you should file a police report and contact your home country's U.S. 大使馆 or Consulate)
    • Stolen (you should file a police report and contact your home country's U.S. 大使馆 or Consulate)
    • Damaged (submit form 只有)
    • Change of visa status to F-1 (submit form 只有)

  • Extension of Program - Submit the following:
  • Change of Major/Program - Submit the following with 新I-20 Request:
    • Copy of New Ed Plan (from Academic Counselor)

  • Adding Dependents to I-20 - Submit the following with 新I-20 Request:
    • If adding spouse - Copy of Marriage Certificate
      If adding child - Copy of birth certificate. Submit copies with U.S. notarized translations
    • Dependents' copy of passport and visa (if they have one already) 
    • Dependents' copy of I-94 Departure Record (if they have one already)
    • For each dependent, you must provide additional proof of financial support. ISC已经 estimated the cost for spouse to be $7,000 and for one child to be $3,500.
      • All financial documents must be submitted in English
      • Proof of financial support (original bank statement and Sponsor Statement Form)