按照本页的步骤开始在PCC上课. Watch the accompanying 视频可以帮助你完成这个过程.


强烈建议您参加现场国际学生团体咨询会议 在网上和报名期开始前了解报名制度 以及推荐你注册的课程.

International Group Counseling #1



International Group Counseling #2



如果您不能在线参加国际学生团体咨询会议,请查看 预先录制的视频为您的第一次推荐课程提供额外指导 year.

Pre-Recorded Group Counseling Session


和辅导员谈谈,计划你的课程,制定一个学期的教育计划,或者得到 审查你的大学成绩单. Need help to book an appointment? Call our office or view this video to learn how.

Make an Appointment

Registration Steps


Start by logging in to your LancerPoint account. 如果这是您第一次登录,您将需要 activate your LancerPoint account

按照所有提示激活您的帐户. 如果您没有社会安全号码(SSN),您不需要提供. 您将选择3个安全问题并提供答案. You will set up your password 按照说明操作,然后单击“提交”." Once activation is complete, return 使用您刚刚设置的用户名和密码进入登录屏幕.

How to Activate your LancerPoint Account

作为PCC的国际学生,你有资格提前注册你的课程. 新生和归国学生可以在你到达美国之前注册课程.S. in person. 

如果你在秋季或春季学期开始上课,你需要最少的 of 12 units. 如果你在夏天开始上课,你需要选最少的课程 of 5 units. 

Below are recommended classes for new students. Returning and continuing students should refer to their Educational Plan on LancerPoint 或与你的学术顾问预约 PCC Connect to discuss your Educational Plan. 

Recommended Classes for New Students

Subject Classes Units
English or ESL Please complete the 在线定向自我定位 to check your English or ESL level. 4 Units

Math 003 (College Algebra)

科学、技术、工程、数学专业或商科专业转学 to UC or USC


Statistics 050 (Elementary Statistics)

文科、健康科学、社会科学专业或商科专业转学 to Cal State Universities

5 Units


4 Units

First Year Seminar

College 001 (First Year Seminar)

A required class to join the Pathways program at PCC

3 Units
General Education (GE)

Choose one class from the recommended GE courses below:

Anthropology 002
Biology 011
Dance 021A or 021B
Geography 001 or 002
Humanities 001 or 004
Music 021
Psychology 001 or 021
Sociology 001
Cinema 007A or 007B

3 Units


如果你觉得你的英语(ESL)和/或数学课程安排不正确, 在一对一的预约中,学术顾问可以帮助你做出改变 PCC Connect. 请确保你准备了任何证明你在这门学科上的能力的证据 (例如:大学成绩单,AP或IB考试成绩等.). 

How to Book an Appointment with a Counselor

Before your register, view the Schedule of Classes 在线查询课程日期、时间、教师和地点. To use the Schedule of Classes, first select the Term for which you would like to search. In the Course Level field, select Credit. Select the Subject you are searching for. Then click the Search button.


How to Use the Schedule of Classes

Glossary of Terms:

Cap: 指示可在该类中注册的学生的最大数量.

CRN: stands for Course Reference Number. 您需要按顺序知道CRN号码 to properly register for the course.

Date: 列表示每节课的开始和结束日期,以及总周数 the class meets.

Meeting Time: indicates the days and time the class meets. M stands for Monday, T stands for Tuesday, W代表星期三,R代表星期四,F代表星期五,S代表星期六, and Su stands for Sunday.

Location: tells you where the class will meet. 国际学生必须学习 meet directly on PCC's main campus. 主校区的课程通常会 以字母开头指出教学楼的位置,然后是一个三位数的教室 number. 不要注册任何以“PCC罗斯米德”或“高中”命名的班级 its location.

Prerequisite: 意思是你必须通过参加另一门课或分班考试来满足要求 before enrolling in a course.

Rem: 指示班级中还有多少座位可用.

Units: units the class is worth. Econ 001A is 3 units. International students must be enrolled 每年秋季和春季学期至少修12个单元.

Log into LancerPoint and find your registration date under My Classes & Academics. 将您的注册日期和时间添加到您的日历上,这样您就不会忘记!

How to Check your Registration Date and Time


Registration Dates Steps to be Completed

Earliest Registration Date

Must complete:

  1. Orientation 
  2. 学习如何注册课程观看 这是我们集体咨询的录音
  3. Sign up for Pathways JAM
Second Earliest Registration Date

Must complete:

  1. Orientation 
  2. 学习如何注册课程观看 这是我们集体咨询的录音
No Priority Registration

None of the above steps completed


Log in to LancerPoint and follow these steps: 

  1. Find the “Registration” card.
  2. Click on the “Add/Drop Classes选项,如果你已经知道你想注册哪些课程. If you do not know which classes to select, view the "Schedule of Classes或阅读本清单第2步中推荐的课程. 
  3. 在下拉菜单中选择所需的术语,然后单击“Submit” button.
  4. 在矩形框中输入CRN(课程参考编号). Remember that the 每个课程的CRN编号都在“Schedule of Classes."输入CRN号码后,点击"Submit Changes.”
  5. 学生必须在注册时缴纳学杂费. You have until 周五上课前完成所有未付款项. If fees are not 如果按时付款,你所有的课程将从你的课程表中删除. Partial payments are not accepted.

How to Register for Classes