Desiree Hernandez, m.s.A.


Desiree Hernandez (she/her) is the coordinator of the 梦想资源中心 at Pasadena 城市学院. Born and raised in South Central Los Angeles, her unwavering dedication for supporting marginalized communities is rooted in her personal experiences as a first-generation, system-impacted individual with a mixed-status family. 拿破仑情史自豪地 credits the California 社区 College system for her educational journey, which began at Cerritos College, where she earned an associate's degree in Sociology before 转到加州州立大学长滩分校. There, she obtained a bachelor's degree in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies while actively engaging in Students for Quality Education (SQE), a student club dedicated to advocating for quality education and equitable 所有学生的机会. Desiree also holds a master's degree in 咨询 来自洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学. During her graduate program, she served undocumented students at LACC's 梦想资源中心, organizing advocacy events, developing academic success activities, and providing advising services. 现在,她在PCC的任务是 cultivate an inclusive and empowering environment where all students can achieve their 梦想,不管他们的移民身份如何. 除了她对支持的奉献 undocumented students, Desiree is deeply passionate about championing the rights and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals, formerly incarcerated students, and parenting students. 

Fun Fact: Desiree is an avid reader who immerses herself in 1-2 books per week, enjoying the convenience of her Kindle for digital reading and embracing Audible during her 通勤是为了聆听体验.




Laura Anaya Jurado (she, ella) is an Undocu-Scholar and a proud DACA recipient. 她 is a proud daughter of immigrant parents and in a mixed-status home. 她出生了 他出生在墨西哥城,在加州的埃尔蒙特长大. 之后她去了里奥·洪多学院 从山景城高中毕业. 她为EOP感到骄傲&是美国的校友 社会学中的ADT. 她 transferred to Cal State Los Angeles to earn her bachelor’s in Social Work while working at her high alma mater at the College and 职业中心 用于Cal-SOAP程序. After taking a gap year to explore graduate programs, she started her Masters in Social Work at Cal State Long Beach. 她回到工作岗位 Rio Hondo College as a graduate student to support undocumented students through navigating various campus policies at the 学生的成功 and Dream Center. 她是前国际选手 Completion Success Coach at PCC and worked in various community colleges. 劳拉的价值观 providing students with mentorship, community building, and discussing the importance 对受移民影响家庭的心理健康.

Fun fact: Laura has traveled to New York, Chicago, Seattle, and Portland. 她喜欢 traveling to new places and visiting new restaurants.


Jennifer Hernandez Delgado


Jennifer Hernandez (she/her) is a resource advocate at the 梦想资源中心 at 太阳城集团官方网址导航. 她出生了 in Guatemala and moved to the US when she was 15. 她 attended Santa Monica 社区 College where she majored in mathematics. After taking a few years off, she transferred to Fresno Pacific University where she 她于2012年获得文学学士学位. The same year, Jennifer started her graduate studies at 富勒神学院. It was during grad school that she embarked on her higher 教育事业作为学术顾问. 作为第一代无证学生 navigating community college, four-year university, and graduate school, she understands the many obstacles undocumented students face in higher education. 这是其中之一 reasons she’s passionate about supporting students and empowering them with the necessary resources to successfully achieve their educational goals. 她很兴奋 working at the DCR and is looking forward to getting to know students and supporting 他们在PCC工作期间以及以后的工作.

Fun fact: Jennifer enjoys watching tv-shows and movies. 她现在痴迷于 Star Wars but her ultimate favorite show is Reservation Dogs. 她还喜欢徒步旅行。 参观国家公园.




Kenia加西亚 (she/her/hers/ella) is a resource advocate at the 梦想资源中心 在太阳城集团官方网址导航. 她 comes from a mixed status family and is a first-generation 大学生. 她 is an LA native; born and raised in MacArthur Park/Koreatown. 她就读于加州大学洛杉矶分校,并以B级毕业.拉丁美洲研究硕士. 在她任职期间 there, she was part of an advocacy group supporting undocumented students on campus and was a key organizer of the Immigrant Youth Empowerment Conference at UCLA. 不久 after graduating, she worked with high school youth in MacArthur Park helping students 取得学业成功. Most recently, Kenia has worked with students in higher education and has gained experience connecting immigrant students with legal resources. 她 is very passionate about helping students achieve their goals and is happy to 成为PCC大家庭的一员!

Fun fact: Kenia loves thrifting, especially when she comes across a good vintage cookbook!