Step 1: Use Your Page's URL to Figure Out What Folder Your File "Lives In"

Once your file is published it will have its own URL as in this example:


即使没有 link to that URL on your existing website, the page is live and Google will eventually find it (more on links a bit later). As we will now explain, this URL is based on how your file was organized within the website's 文件夹s.


Using your page(s) URL, you can figure out in what 文件夹(s) your page file is located:

  • A page’s URL always starts with a 域名 (e.g. 帕萨迪纳市.Edu)和 根文件夹 (“/”后面的第一个)
  • 在“帕萨迪纳市.edu/", it includes the names of each of the section 文件夹s and at most one file from the 根 directory to the specific file or 文件夹 you want to access.
  • In a URL, a 文件夹 name will always be followed by a slash (/) which is that 文件夹's 根.
  • A page file will be followed by a file extension which on our server is ".php”



www. 帕萨迪纳市.edu/  学者/  部门/  自然科学/  的研究领域,/  生物学.php

  • 帕萨迪纳市.edu/ =域名 & 根文件夹
  • 学者/ = the top 文件夹 (inside the 根文件夹)
  • 部门/ = the second 文件夹 (inside the academics 文件夹)
  • 自然科学/ = the third 文件夹 (inside the divisions 文件夹)
  • 的研究领域,/ = the fourth 文件夹 (inside the natural-sciences 文件夹)
  • biolgy.php =页面文件

Step 2: 找到 File in Modern Campus CMS

Now that you know what 文件夹(s) your page file lives in, you will be able to find 它在现代校园CMS. 

  1. 登录 into Modern Campus CMS through DirectEdit or through the 现代校园CMS登录页面.

  2. 悬停在“Content”上 global navigation bar, and click on “Pages” from the drop-down menu.

  3. This will take you to the Pages List View, which is an area where all of the section folders and files of the PCC website are 在现代CampusesCMS中列出.

  4. The large house icon above all the file names indicates the rootfolder.

    • 当 the icon is black this means that you are at the 根文件夹.
    • 当 the icon is blue, it means you are inside another 文件夹.
    • 的 name of the 文件夹 you are in will appear next to the home icon.
    • You can return to the 根文件夹 at any time by clicking on the blue house icon.

      页面列表视图 in Modern Campus CMS
  5. 当 at the 根文件夹, you will see all the top section 文件夹s. 他们的名字 文件夹s that you have permission to access will be blue and can be clicked on. 的 文件夹s you do not have permission to access will black. 
  6. Your files will most likely be inside 文件夹s that you do not have access to on the 交付准备服务器. Thus when finding your page, it's important to click the "Production" tab on the upper right corner of the Page List View. This will display all the files and 文件夹s on the Production Server (the live website), all of which you have permission 查看.

  7. Once you are in the Production View, you will want to start at the 根文件夹.

  8. Click on the name of the top 文件夹 that your page file is located (i.e. 在这种情况下 帕萨迪纳市的.edu/学者/部门/自然科学/的研究领域,/生物学.php, 顶部文件夹是“学术”).
  9. Once you have clicked on the top 文件夹 you will see a new page of 文件夹s. 找到 下一个文件夹在您的URL (i.e. 以帕萨迪纳市为例.edu/学者/部门/自然科学/的研究领域,/生物学.php, the next 文件夹 would be "divisions").
  10. Continue to click on the 文件夹s in your URL until you get to the final 文件夹. 从 there, you will see the file you are looking for.
  11.  Since you are in the Production Server, you can either:
    • Click on the name of the file which you will be editing. 这将带你到 页面的实时版本. 从 there you can enter the site through DirectEdit
    • 单击“Staging”选项卡. This will now show the files on the staging server. 当 you click on the name of the file, you will be taken to the  Modern Campus CMS Page view and be able to start editing the file.


Some section 文件夹s have a lot of files and 文件夹s. 中使用过滤器输入 top right to search for the 文件夹 you are looking for.

当 using the filter input, it will only show you the 文件夹s and files that match the name you are filtering for that are within the current view. 任何位置 在子文件夹中不会出现.


  • 使用URL 帕萨迪纳市.edu/学者/部门/自然科学/index.php
  • If you are at the 根文件夹, you can filter for “academics” since that is the top 文件夹. But if you filter for “divisions” or “natural-sciences” it will not appear. Once you click into "academics", you can then filter for “divisions”.

You are officially done "getting started" in Modern Campus CMS. 现在是时候开始了 使用它! First up - the approval process and workflows!