The 应用程序 period is now open for the 2024-2025 year.

The SanFACC Mentor program seeks to build both individual and regional leadership capacity among full-time/permanent community college employees. 徒弟带个清楚 interest in entering or advancing in community college management will be paired with mentors from neighboring colleges already serving in an administrative role. 这 experience provides a safe environment to develop a knowledge base that supports effective 领导与管理. Participants are enriched by experiencing the best practices and lessons learned from colleagues across the region.

The program is sponsored by the San Gabriel/ Foothill Association of 社区 Colleges (SanFACC). Participating colleges in this year’s Mentor Program include Chaffey大学, 格伦代尔学院,Mt. San Antonio College, 太阳城集团官方网址导航, Rio Hondo学院 和喜瑞都学院.


这 program is open to all full-time/permanent employees within a participating community college who are seriously considering moving into or advancing in an administrative position in a community college.


Mentees participating in the program will receive one-on-one assistance and advice regarding their own professional development, and have the opportunity to job shadow and gain experience and insight into community college management. 他们会申请 their expanded skills and knowledge to their work, therefore benefiting their colleges. It is also expected the 导师 will benefit from the experience and perspective their 学员可以提供. 请注意 that participation in the program does not guarantee promotion within an organization. Recruitment for college positions will continue to be open to all and provide equal opportunities to job applicants.

Mentor and Mentee Expectations

  • Attend the 3 program meetings scheduled throughout the year listed on the next page
  • Communicate at least once a month and complete the activities listed on a jointly developed learning contract. Lists of potential activities will be provided.
  • Read and discuss the selected “领导” reading provided for that program year.
  • Offer feedback on their experiences via brief mid and end of year program evaluations.


Employees interested in participating in the program must submit an 应用程序 describing their professional background, their career goals, and the specific areas they would like to learn about. A resume and a letter of recommendation from a colleague are also required as part of the 应用程序 packet.

Participants will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Must be a permanent full-time employee poised to enter or advance into community college administration as next career move
  • Evidence of leadership experience
  • Clarity of desired outcomes as a result of participation in the program
  • Motivation and commitment to fully engage in the program
  • Willingness to engage in mentoring activities outside of work hours


A campus based selection committee will review and score 应用程序s and select up to 3 potential mentees to be brought forward to a SanFACC matching meeting. 导师 will be sought based on their expertise in the fields that mentees want to learn about and their commitment to invest their time into future leaders’ careers. 请注意 that program coordinators will make every effort to recruit mentors that match mentees’ requests, but the availability of mentors in a specific job category cannot be guaranteed.

The 应用程序 period is now open for the 2024-2025 year.
  • 申请截止日期为 2024年4月5日.
  • The selection results will be announced no later than June 2024.


2024 - 2025 Mandatory Program Meetings

  • 9月
    2024-2025 Program Orientation

    9/12/24,下午5:30-8:00 Rio Hondo学院

  • 11月

    11/7/24, 4:00-5:30 PM via Remote/Zoom

  • 五月
    Spring 2025 Closing Celebration

    5/1/25, 6:00-8:00 PM at 喜瑞大学


For more information, please contact the coordinator at the following participating 大学:

Chaffey大学: 日本酱油詹金斯
电子邮件: 日本酱油
电话: 909-652-6908

格兰岱尔市的大学: 克里斯塔·雷蒙多·利蒙
电话: 716 -998-4356

Mt. 圣安东尼奥学院: 丽莎·罗德里格斯

电话: 909- 274-4177

太阳城集团官方网址导航: 杰森·罗宾逊
电话: 626-585-7049

Rio Hondo学院: 凯蒂·奥布莱恩


电话: 562-463-3223

喜瑞学院: 丽迪雅阿尔瓦雷斯
电话: 562-860 2451 x2838



Rio Hondo学院
Glendale 社区 College