
的 Distance Education Department at PCC is committed to helping divisions and individual departments develop the highest quality online and hybrid 课程. 我们的目标是 provide program Deans, Administrators and Department Heads with the in为mation needed to establish online programs, certificates and 课程 that will best suit the College’s Educational Master Plan.

90项目 & Distance Education

90项目 Action Plan Executive Summary includes 15 Action Items that address 任务 Critical Priorities. Many of these Action Items are germane to the development of distance education 课程. However, the first two are particularly relevant:

  • Systematically increase number of 课程 available 为 转移 and Basic Skills 课程 until needs are adequately addressed.
  • Develop a comprehensive online education curriculum.

的 following strategy best describes the priority distance education 课程 should have in terms of program development:

D2: Develop cohort pathways to ensure program and course series are aligned in a logical sequence 为 efficient completion.

What this means then, is that online course offerings should:

  • Be part of a degree or certificate. 的y should not be standalone 课程.
  • Concentrate on high impact 课程.
  • Be developed by faculty well-versed in current online learning pedagogy in conjunction with the Distance Education Department to ensure:
    • 课程质量
    • Compliance with 508 (accessibility), FERPA (privacy) and accreditation standards
  • Be delivered by faculty who have met the training requirements 为 online teaching.

Planning DE Course Offerings

的 process to develop and get an online course approved can take up to 300 hours. Because of this, it is important to carefully consider the following questions when making the decision about which 课程 to offer online.

  1. How does this course fit into the current program plan?
  2. Is this a course the could be part of a GE/degree/certificate fast track?
  3. What impact will this course have on the department's enrollment numbers?
  4. What are the department's resources 为 course development?

使用我们的 Program Development Worksheet to get a better idea of whether or not the department should pursue developing an online/hybrid course proposal in the current C&我的周期.

Program Development Worksheet